You got phished! 

Luckily, this was only a simulated attack, sponsored by STANDARD CHARTERED BANK.

Had this been a real attack, by opening the attachment / clicking on the link, your computer, the Standard Chartered network or your account credentials might have been compromised. 

As part of our brand promise to be here for good, your vigilance is crucial to protect the Bank and our clients from financial, commercial, and reputational impact.

We need you to help us build a Human Firewall.

Additional support in identifying suspicious emails

There were a number of red flags to indicate that the email was phishing. Below highlighted in red, are the key indicators:

  1. External source notification within the subject title and email 
  2. The email is sent from a suspicious and unknown domain 
  3. The hyperlinked text leads to an unfamiliar URL
  4. Use of urgent language with a negative outcome if instructions are not followed

Whenever you are in doubt remember:

Standard Chartered Bank | People Security | ICS